As you may or may not be aware I started running about a year and a half ago. I started running simply to get back in shape after having our fourth child in just under five years. Yes, you read that correctly. 4 babies 5 years.
I fully expected to try to shed my extra baby weight. What I did not expect was to fall in love with running!!
But, I have. It seems odd to even utter that phrase but, it is true. I really do enjoy it. So, this year, I decided I wanted to attempt to run a 1/2 marathon. I also wanted to run the Ragnar relay but, I knew that wasn't really a possibility. I would need a team and apparently the race books up nearly a year in advance. So, I found a training program for my half. I was really concerned that I would not be able to complete 13.1 miles so, I began my training really early.
As luck would have it, a spot opened up on The Ragnar Relay team in my neighborhood. And even luckier, they asked ME to join them! The only catch was that the race was a mere month away. I had already been training for a while by this time so, I knew I was ready but, I was SO nervous. I didn't know this group very well and I was so afraid to let them down. I did know the girl I was replacing is an amazing runner. So, no pressure right? haha
For those who may not know, Ragnar is basically a 12 person race spanning almost 200 miles. Each runner takes 3 legs which are spaced through a nearly 2 day period. It is truly insane. And I was stoked.
I had so much fun! I fell in love with that race. Even with a grand total of 3 hours of sleep. It is nearly impossible to explain how that can possibly be enjoyable so, I won't even try. But do know this...I have recruited my hubby to do it with me next year!
Let's fast forward 2 months to last Friday night. My 1/2 marathon. This 1/2 is really cool. Really low key and at night! Which is totally my thing. The idea behind this particular race is to finish as close to midnight as possible. You start whenever you want. They do not allow timing devices so, its all a guess. I was lucky enough to get to run this race with friends. I must say, this was so hard!! My goal was to run the entire thing...and I did. It was so cool. I honestly could not believe I did it. It was such a surreal moment. I even hugged my sweaty friend whilst covered in sweat myself! Another first for me but, I was so happy I actually did it!!
So, what's next? I am thinking... triathlon? Just maybe.