Saturday, January 31, 2009

I love to see the temple.

     We were able to go as a family to the open house for the Draper Temple.  In preparation for this event, we talked to the kids about the sacredness of the Temple.  We told them a little about the ordinances that are preformed there.  We told them that you can be married there and that that is where Mommy and Daddy were sealed.
     When we got to the church where you park, we went inside to watch the movie which has been prepared for the open house.  During the movie Aidan said, "Mom that's what you talked to me about.  Being Sealed."  I was so excited to hear that he had really listened.
We took the bus to the Temple grounds and then walked through the tunnel to get inside.  Just after we walked through the door, I leaned down and asked Aidan if he was excited to be in the Temple.  With a big grin he replied, "Yes.  Am I married now?"  I could even answer.   So cute and SO funny.
    The first real room we got to see was the baptismal font.  Of course, the kids loved seeing the water.  Grandma Dressen had to be sure she had a really good grip as we walked by the opening into the water...just in case.  Ember also loved the cows that held up the font.
     From the time we parked until the time we got back to our car was 2 1/2 hours.  To my amazement. the kids we so good.  No melt downs at all.  Aidan did get a little better tour then the rest of us on his way the the restroom.
     Embers favorite room was the brides dressing room.  She just lit up when she saw all the sparkly stuff.  I asked Aidan what his favorite part of the night was and he said it was the cookies at the end.  So I asked his 2nd favorite.  It was the bus ride.  I know he enjoyed himself.  He was being extra sweet and loving through the tour.
   What a wonderful experience for our family.  A truly wonderful day!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ballerina Girls

My friend Whitney and I made these adorable skirts today.  I love them.

Baby Eden

My sweet Little girls


How cute are these girls!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yoga baby

My sweet little Eden is mega talented.
 She is already practicing her mad Yoga Skills. 
 Here are a few photos to prove it.

Cats stretch (Neutral Position)

Downward Facing Dog

More Downward Dog

She also does a killer Plank position but, I couldn't convince her to let me take her picture.  I guess she was getting a little camera shy.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

At the car wash

     I took all of my kids to the car wash today.  We have never been through an automated one together.  Aidan loves to help me clean the car.  We usually just wash it with a bucket and hose at home.
    My car has been completely filthy because of the many snow storms we have had.  I have contemplated washing it several times but, each time I did I would hear about another storm on its way. So finally, it was time.  I decided to  go through the car wash because it is so flippin' cold outside.  We pulled up to the place and I found out it would cost me $6 bucks for a basic wash. I deliberated but, finally decided to go ahead with it.
     The looks on their faces were priceless.  They oohed and aahed with each new cycle.  It was almost magical.  When we were all finished, Aidan told me he couldn't wait to see how clean the car was.  Who knew it would be so entertaining.  It was worth every penny.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New President

What a historical day today has been.  I am so excited to have witnessed it from the comfort of my own home.  Being as I am not the most political person, I wonder if I appreciated the gravity of the events of today.  I read a note posted by my friend Ben's wife (on Facebook) today.  Anadine really nailed a lot of the feelings I have regarding today's event.  She says it way better then I could so, I hope she doesn't mind if I copy it for all you you to read.
 I'm addressing my note to my L.D.S. friends and family specifically this morning. As I watch the events of this inauguration today I have a few thoughts and feelings that I would like to express. 

First of all to my more conservative minded friends, let us remember the 12th article of Faith.

"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."

Regardless of how you feel about the election of Barack Obama as our 44th President, remember what we as members of the Church claim as an article of faith. Don't be sore losers, sustain and uplift this administration. One of my greatest irritations when G.W. Bush was elected were the complaints of many liberal people. For example the refrain "Don't blame me, I voted Gore..." Not that I was a great fan of W., but there are better and more effective ways to change things that we are not happy with. I am not a fan of whiners, so let's not whine when we don't get everything we want.

Second, for all of those who feel that this is a great victory for their ideology and political platform. Remember that however great Obama may seem, he is only a man. Not perfect, and surely not able to meet all of his election promises. He has to work in a flawed system, and try to do what he can with many serious problems facing our Country right now. Simply electing a Democrat doesn't fix anything at all.

I am excited for a man of "mixed-race" heritage to become President of our Country, but am more excited for a competent and intelligent man who also happens to not be lily-white become President. It is a great victory over past and present racism that he has been elected, and that is exciting. Hopefully this opens our political stage to ALL who are qualified to lead us with honesty, intelligence, integrity, and dignity. Regardless of sex, heritage or religion.

Lastly, I feel that this is a very historically significant day and am excited to participate, even if it only means by watching via T.V. I will always remember this day, where I was and how I was feeling. I sincerely hope and pray that Mr. Obama is a successful President who will lead us out of our many struggles and get our country on a better path. 

God bless you Barack Obama!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lil' Helpers

     I was making Waffles today when my sweet kids asked if they could help.  They love to push the bar stools up to the stove and watch all the meal preparations.  They actually quite like watching water boil...go figure.
     We started measuring all the ingredients when Aidan asked if he could crack the egg.  I thought for a minute.  I asked him, "Do you know how to crack the egg?"  He assured me he did.  I am sure this makes me sound like a pretty out-of-it mom but, in my defence, he has helped my mom and sister cook quite a bit.  And they are both much braver then I am.  So I asked again, "Are you sure you know how to crack an egg?"
"I really do." he responds  I then think I recall my sister telling me all about him helping her crack eggs.  So...I handed him the egg.  Which he promptly smashed onto the stove.  Oops.  I guess he didn't exactly know what he was doing.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sweet tooth

My little Ember has quite the sweet tooth. She has an uncanny knack for finding candy in the best of hiding places. No counter is too high, no cabinet too deep. She will search out any sweet little morsel with in her reach. Despite our fairly strict rule of "ask first", she has found herself on most occasions, unable to do so. There is something so mysterious and so wonderful about the shiny wrapper that makes asking nearly impossible.
So we come to yesterday at the Dr's office (I had taken Eden in to get checked and was almost sure she had pink eye. Man, I hate being right. But, she also has an ear infection and a sinus infection too! Poor sweet little thing! She has actually been a real trooper despite her woes) and as I am trying to get the run down from her doctor my other sweet children and their cousin Zack (who had come over to play) were trying their hardest to make listening impossible. The boys had climbed up into the window sill and Ember was rummaging through my purse. In the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of Ember unwrap some sort of candy, put it in her mouth and then quickly pull it out with a look of disgust. This catches my attention so I turn to she what she had found. It was my little o.b. tampon! Aah! I hurried and grabbed it out of her hand shoved it into my pocket and prayed the doctor did not just witness what I did.
See sweetie, this is why you should always...Ask first.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My entertaining Mom

     We went to Cafe Rio today for lunch with my mom and brother and his wife yesterday.   We had all just started digging into our food when my mom received a phone call.  She went outside so she could better hear the caller.  When she came back to the table she wrapped up her food and left.
     I was away from the table when my mom left so, I asked my brother where she had gone but, he didn't know.   I wonder where she had hurried off to but, my thoughts were quickly averted with kids crying, stealing my food or by making art out of salad dressing.   As we continued our meal the group of people next to us got up and asked us if the envelope he was holding belonged to us.   We quickly determined it more then likely belonged to my mom.  Upon hearing that the contents of the paper sleeve was a sizable sum of money, we tried to call my mom to make sure it did, in fact, belong to her.   There was no answer.
     Now, if you know my mom very well you may know that she has a nasty habit of leaving reasonable sums of money laying around.  So, this made us more sure of the fact it did indeed belong to her, coupled with the fact that the envelope bore the name of her bank (Chad has a very observant mind like that).  So we decided it was best to take the money home with us.
     After being unable to contact my mom again and relaying the story to Tony, I started getting kind of worried.  Why wouldn't she answer her phone?  Or at least let whomever she was with answer it for her?  Why had she left do abruptly?  What was her emergency?
     I picked up my phone and just as I was about to call my Dad at work to see if he might know what had happened or where she might be, she called me back.  She had hurried home to meet the cable guy!   Case closed.
     As for the money, that was hers too.  No surprise really.   In fact, she later told me that has happened to her a few times and that people always give it back to her.   Karma, I guess?   Crazy

Saturday, January 10, 2009


We went to Chick-fil-a last night for dinner.  Who knew it was such a 'hot spot'.  We sat down and knew the people at like 5 of the tables surrounding us.  Too funny.
I sat a one table with my kids and just after we started eating Ember decided she wanted to sit on Grandmas lap.  I thought it was sweet she wanted to sit by her Grandma.  She immediately started eating off every ones plates at the table.  She's no dummy.  She knows a good smorgasbord when she sees one.
After everyone finished eating the kids got ice cream (this includes my brother Chad hee hee).  Aidan showed me his ice cream moustache.  He thinks its hilarious.  So Ember made sure to made one for herself.  Of course, hers ended up looking much more like a drippy goatee.