What a historical day today has been. I am so excited to have witnessed it from the comfort of my own home. Being as I am not the most political person, I wonder if I appreciated the gravity of the events of today. I read a note posted by my friend Ben's wife (on Facebook) today. Anadine really nailed a lot of the feelings I have regarding today's event. She says it way better then I could so, I hope she doesn't mind if I copy it for all you you to read.
I'm addressing my note to my L.D.S. friends and family specifically this morning. As I watch the events of this inauguration today I have a few thoughts and feelings that I would like to express.
First of all to my more conservative minded friends, let us remember the 12th article of Faith.
"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."
Regardless of how you feel about the election of Barack Obama as our 44th President, remember what we as members of the Church claim as an article of faith. Don't be sore losers, sustain and uplift this administration. One of my greatest irritations when G.W. Bush was elected were the complaints of many liberal people. For example the refrain "Don't blame me, I voted Gore..." Not that I was a great fan of W., but there are better and more effective ways to change things that we are not happy with. I am not a fan of whiners, so let's not whine when we don't get everything we want.
Second, for all of those who feel that this is a great victory for their ideology and political platform. Remember that however great Obama may seem, he is only a man. Not perfect, and surely not able to meet all of his election promises. He has to work in a flawed system, and try to do what he can with many serious problems facing our Country right now. Simply electing a Democrat doesn't fix anything at all.
I am excited for a man of "mixed-race" heritage to become President of our Country, but am more excited for a competent and intelligent man who also happens to not be lily-white become President. It is a great victory over past and present racism that he has been elected, and that is exciting. Hopefully this opens our political stage to ALL who are qualified to lead us with honesty, intelligence, integrity, and dignity. Regardless of sex, heritage or religion.
Lastly, I feel that this is a very historically significant day and am excited to participate, even if it only means by watching via T.V. I will always remember this day, where I was and how I was feeling. I sincerely hope and pray that Mr. Obama is a successful President who will lead us out of our many struggles and get our country on a better path.
God bless you Barack Obama!
1 comment:
Your friend put that beautifully and I concur. I am excited for Obama's administration. Although I don't think he is perfect, and already he has done something I didn't like(Hillary), on the whole I believe him to be a man of honor and one that is willing to serve his country with all that he has. I appreciate how even though he now has this great office, he is still a very humble man. I heard him speaking about his mother in an interview this week and it was beautiful.
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