I was away from the table when my mom left so, I asked my brother where she had gone but, he didn't know. I wonder where she had hurried off to but, my thoughts were quickly averted with kids crying, stealing my food or by making art out of salad dressing. As we continued our meal the group of people next to us got up and asked us if the envelope he was holding belonged to us. We quickly determined it more then likely belonged to my mom. Upon hearing that the contents of the paper sleeve was a sizable sum of money, we tried to call my mom to make sure it did, in fact, belong to her. There was no answer.
Now, if you know my mom very well you may know that she has a nasty habit of leaving reasonable sums of money laying around. So, this made us more sure of the fact it did indeed belong to her, coupled with the fact that the envelope bore the name of her bank (Chad has a very observant mind like that). So we decided it was best to take the money home with us.
After being unable to contact my mom again and relaying the story to Tony, I started getting kind of worried. Why wouldn't she answer her phone? Or at least let whomever she was with answer it for her? Why had she left do abruptly? What was her emergency?
I picked up my phone and just as I was about to call my Dad at work to see if he might know what had happened or where she might be, she called me back. She had hurried home to meet the cable guy! Case closed.
As for the money, that was hers too. No surprise really. In fact, she later told me that has happened to her a few times and that people always give it back to her. Karma, I guess? Crazy
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