Sunday, March 29, 2009
Out of the mouth of babes
I woke up in the night to both of the girls crying. I came in and starting searching for Eden's binky. (I swear her crib is the black hole for those things) as I am searching, Ember is crying.She keeps saying "I throat." "I throat." As I am frantically searching I am trying to calmly ask her if her throat hurts. She gets a little closer to me and I try console her by putting my arm around her. Then I suddenly realize what she was actually trying to say. "I throw up." She was covered as was her bed. At this point I yelled, "Tony please come help me." since I still had not found the binky and Ember was just about to do it once more. I hurried her into the bathroom. Where she did it again. After a few minutes of cleaning her up and holding her in my arms she said, "Tell Tony." She wanted to make sure that daddy knew she wasn't feeling well. Poor sweet little thing!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Moving on up

This has been a momentous week in our house. Eden has finally moved into a big crib (this was looong over due, poor girl) and is roommates with Ember. Ember has moved to a big girl bed! (Well, we actually turned her day bed against the wall as sort of a make-shift crib and although she can sneak out, it has been quite successful.) She sometimes refers to it as her big girl crib. And finally, Aidan has his own bedroom downstairs! He has been so good going down there to bed by himself. I am so proud of all of them. I swear, I never thought this day would come.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St Paddys Day

Today the kids woke up to green milk in our refrigerator. Those Leprechauns are pretty tricky.
We all got dressed in our green clothing. Aidan asked if someone would pinch his left foot if he only had a green sock on his right foot.
We also got to go on a really fun Scavenger hunt. The kids found a little green bucket with green toys and candy. It was so great! Sadly, our camera is broken so I do not have any pictures but, we are hoping to replace it soon.
Friday, March 6, 2009
So big!
Our baby girl is getting so big. She just loves to pull herself up onto everything (including her younger cousin Chloe) so she can stand. The only problem is that once she is up she can't figure out what to do next. She usually ends up just crying. If you help her down, she just gets right back up! I know she will be so happy when she can walk. I think she prefers the view.