Saturday, September 13, 2008

Caught red-head handed!!

After much sneaking aroung trying to plan a surprise party for Tony's 30th birthday...he caught me!  What a bummer.  However, since the cat is already out of the bag, I am going to post the info for any and all that want to come even though I was able to send some invitations before Tony found out.  Since he is now in on it, he is giving me his input and we have changed a few things:

It's a 70's (adult only) Costume Party....Celebrating 1978 the year Tony was born

September 27th
7:30 til whenever (come and go as you please)
Our ward building
7925 s 2700 w

Feel free to bring potluck 

No gifts please

If you have any questions at all feel free to contact Tony or Heidi by email or phone. 

Hope to see you there!


Heidi said...

Suprises are hard! I'm pretty sure we'll be there.

Keri Hennefer said...

Kinwee is coming up to Nana and Papa's this next week, and would love to play with Aiden! Let's be sure to get together! Happy Early Birthday Tony! Sorry we won't be there for the big bash!

Shelf said...

Happy belated Birthday! Welcome to the thirties! Everyone says it is the new twenties...I guess we will find out.

Okie said...

Looking forward to seeing cool pictures

Josh Moore said...

It's Monday! Where are the pictures? :) Hope it was an awesome party.

Amelia said...

Tony! Blogging IS nerdy, but only in the best way because it connects old friends. Everytime I hear "Summertime" by Fresh Prince I still think of you! Your family is so sweet, and I'm glad I get the chance to check in on you!

Lamb Fam said...

Hey Tony! It's Jami Lamborn (Nelson). Your blog is HILARIOUS- I found it through Jen's. I love the Halloween pics! And you fam is adorable.
Happy 30! I'm right behind you...