Aidan was discussing the recent passing of his pet fish with Jyll and Reed. He told them that we flushed the fish down the toilet. "Because, that is where Jesus lives."
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Aren't they clever
The other day the kids were singing some church songs with their Dad. In the midst of this, Ember looks at her Dad and asks, "Daddy...will you teach me all that I must do, to live with him someday?"
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Family fun
These guys decided to play house. So cute.
Eden is in a doll stroller. They love pretending to be Mommy and Daddy.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hip Hip Hooray

I am so excited to say that Tony's schedule is changing...for the better! I am almost afraid to jinx it but, he starts tomorrow and will be working 7-5 Monday thru Friday. Almost like normal people! This change will hopefully be permanent or at least semi-permanent. Either way, I am excited and just wanted to share the LOVE!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Anniversary!

As some of you may know, we are hopeless romantics and could only see ourselves getting married on the day of love: Valentines Day. This year marks our 5th year of being married and I couldn't be happier. Five years and three kids later, it seems like only yesterday she caught my eye with those purple tights and sweet bangs. I could only hope it was my mustache that attracted her to me as well (she really caught my eye at an 80's costume party).
She's such an amazing mother and the kids love her for it. Even when she leaves after having been with them from days on end, they miss her the second she walks out the door. They've experienced so much and love life because they have a mother that loves them.
For most mothers the laundry never seems to end, the kids never like what you make for dinner, the runny noses often get in the way of your kisses, and the husband is never there as much as you'd like. However daunting the task of motherhood is, they keep on keepin' on and Heidi is no different. She commissioned me for our anniversary to write a song for her and while in the future I will write more of a serious themed song, I couldn't help but write a song about all the poo mothers have to clean up and deal with (maybe we'll post it on here soon). Yes I said POO and all mothers know that poo is an all to frequent part of a relatively new family's life and will be for quite some time. Heidi has cleaned up the poo without hesitation or resentment (not without a gag or two in between).

As a wife, she yearns to cultivate a relationship that continues to grow and we still are learning about eachother. She patiently takes care of her husband that's a sensitive redhead that's too prideful and independent to ask for help, yet she fights through it and loves me.
Thank you Heidi for all you have done and keep doing as a mother and wife. While all may seem to go unnoticed and unrecognized, "to God each good work will be known" and we as a family will try to strive more to show you how much we appreciate all you do. THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Honeymoon Advice
As some of you are already aware, Tony and I did not get to go on a honeymoon. That is until NOW!!! We are so excited. This year we are celebrating our 5th anniversary. We have decided to go on a cruise to the Bahamas! We wont go until April but, I need a little help from all of you.
We have never gone any where without our sweet kids. I would love some advice of what we can do to still enjoy ourselves while we are away. I know it will be hard for me to leave them for a week but, I really need to go and be alone with my honey. If you have any advice to help me ease my mind while we go, anything I should do to prep the kids or something you think might help, please let me know.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to me!
Once you be come a mom, your birthday is never quite the same. Gone are the birthday traditions of no chores, sleeping in and enjoying meals cooked by someone else. In fact, especially when your big day is during the week, it is life as usual. Don't get me wrong, my husband is great but, not much he can do when he is working all day.
Well, I decided to do something about it. I realized last year that I didn't want to be disappointed when my day started and ended like every other day. I also realized that it was perfectly ok for me to take matters into my own hands. I admit I drew some inspiration from my friend Amanda. She too realizes that birthdays are a big deal, and is not afraid to throw her own party. I love that.
So, last year I started a new birthday tradition. I decided to invite some of my friends to go to lunch with me. This may not seem like a very big deal or it may be even a little lame but, let me tell ya, it has been so much fun! I am sure to pick a place with a playground so the kids can roam and play. Although the food isn't always my top choice. This decision has created a wonderful birthday situation. Enjoying quality time with great friends.
I have also been able to do other things to help set the day apart. Last year, I cleaned the entire house from top to bottom (the night before) so that I would have very little house work that needed to be done (plus isn't it great to wake up to a clean house?). I also had my mom babysit for a couple of hours so I could go shopping...All by myself. And this year, I even got some take out for the kids and I so, I didn't have to cook. All in all, A very good way to go. I highly recommend giving yourself a birthday gift.
*As a side note- The picture above is of the cake that my friend Whitney made for me, it was amazing! Thanks Whitney!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
WARNING: Contents may contain POO

*Subject may not be suitable for all readers especially, to those who may be sensitive to poop*
Ember has been suddenly interested in going potty in the toilet. I have been so amazed how well she has been doing. She even went in and used the bathroom at the gym, all by her self. She was sure to wash her hands too (her favorite part).
She has been so good about going potty. As I have mentioned before, she will do almost anything for a treat. So far, this has worked pretty well.
Yesterday she even went in and pooped without even a reminder. WOW! I was so excited, I started cheering. Well, Aidan didn't wan to miss out on the action. He came running to see. One look in the potty and he said, "Ember, your poop looks like a monkey tail." Not sure that I heard him correctly I asked, "Aidan did you just say her poop looks like a monkey tail?"
"No, a snake" Then a brief pause. " looks like the bottom of an umbrella!"