Thursday, October 7, 2010

So, its been a while...

It has been well over a year since I have posted anything. So, much has happen and life is really good. I know people say that all the time but, I really mean it. Let me try to bring you up to speed.

Our sweet little miracle baby, Asha, will be 1 next month! Oh, how the time has flown by. It is amazing how quickly the time goes when you have so much going on.

We are fully settled into our home now and we love our new ward. I truly feel like we fit in here. we are surrounded by some awesome people. LOVE them.

Eden, now 2, is such a delightful little girl. She is so sweet. She simply lights up a room with her huge grin. I adore her shy, mostly quiet, yet stubborn little ways.

Ember, 4, has just started preschool and is eating it up. She is determined to read and learn everything she can. There is no stopping my little girl from whatever she sets her mind to.

Aidan, is 5, he started Kindergarten this year. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? I am so excited for him. He loves school and has a fantastic teacher! I swear, the patience of that woman. I should probably take notes.

Tony was able to have his dream calling of Nursery until just recently. He is still at his same job. We are SO grateful that he still has one but, are praying for something better. Anyone with leads....?

I am serving in the YW which I love. The girls are so much fun. Its strange how I can feel so young and yet so old all at the same time. I have also found a new hobby. Running. It is so strange to admit but, I really like it.

Well, that is enough for now. Hopefully, I have not put yo to sleep with this long post. Who knows, maybe I will pick this up again.


Unknown said...

so happy for the update! yay! glad life is so good.

Julia M. said...

I love the update, too! What fabulous kids you have. I really need to see a picture of them!

Debra said...

Glad to hear you are doing well...was starting to wonder! Don't know if you heard, but I just had a baby a few weeks ago. There are pics on my Facebook wall.