Thursday, December 18, 2008

3rd Times the Charm

Ember discovered how to open my mascara!  She was so pleased, she marched right up to me to be sure I could see how beautiful she looked!  I was a bit shocked.  I didn't think she would be able to open the lid herself (I don't even think Aidan has quite figured it out).  So I assumed that I must not have tightened it properly.  That is until she did it again...and then again!

Needless to say, I have now moved my mascara from its usual location.


Señora Daiana said...

Ohh that is cute. But not for you I'm sure. I'm sure that is going to happen to me soon. She is so cute.

Debra said...

LOL...she is too funny. When I first saw the picture I thought it was a bruise!!! You are raising her to be a girly-girl for sure...all of her hair accessories and now make-up!

Whitney said...

Awesome! My niece did the same thing with white out when she was about 2. :)

Trenton J said...

Looks to me like she is lobbying to be Left Eye's replacement in TLC as the unoriginal but fitting "Right Eye".