What a fabulous Day!! We have had such an undeniably wonderful year. This has been the first year that our kids really got it. The first year in fact, that we, as parents, had to get up early. If you know me, that is not my favorite thing to do but, it was so worth seeing the joy on their faces.
We set out cookies and milk for Santa and we had told Aidan that if, the cookies were gone when he woke up that he could come wake us up and go unwrap presents. Tony happened to wake up just a few minutes before Aidan came out of his room. So, he was able to witness his reaction first hand. Aidan walked over to the plate and said, "The cookies are gone...the cookies are gone.." he ran into our room and came over to my side of the bed. He woke me up and told me that Santa had come. He was so excited.
I went in to get Ember out of bed (almost 3 hours earlier then normal). You could tell she was so stinkin' tired (her head was bobbing and her eyes half closed) but, she kept repeating, "I had a good nap...I had a good nap." I think she was excited albeit tired, and was afraid I would put her back in her bed if she hadn't 'had a good nap'. What a cutie pie.
Note: We didn't take any still photos of Christmas so, I stole this pic off the Internet somewhere. Err I mean, isn't my house lovely!