Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween 2008

Here's the photos from this year's Halloween- Star Wars Theme

For Luck!!

Luke learning the force

Help me Obi-Won... you're my only hope!

Tell me I'm cute you will

The force will be with you.... always


Erin and Chad said...


Lisa Moore said...

That is too cute! You need to put on another picture of your costume, Heidi. That headpiece looks pretty awesome. Did you make that? I don't know how you find the time to do such cool stuff with 3 kids. You're amazing!

Melissa said...

That seriously is awesome. You guys are way creative.

Amanda said...

OH MY gosh! You have really outdone yourselves! Your family looks AWESOME!! Everyone looks so cute! I can hardly wait for next year:)

Julia M. said...

Seriously, I love it. I wish I was you and could come up with some super sweet costumes. We have two parties and no ideas for what to wear. Any suggestions?

Unknown said...

Hey. This is Heather, Tony's cousin. You guys came to my wedding in July. Hopefully you remember. I don't know how I found your blog but your family is really adorable. Your kids are really cute and so is your blog. I just thought I would tell you that.