Thursday, October 2, 2008

Total Mom Moment

Lately, I have found a couple of cleaning products I am absolutely in love with.  The first, many of you already know of, is Oxiclean.  I use the spray on stain remover.  It is fabulous.  I have been able to get off almost any stain my kids can find.  Grass stains, set-in stains, even chocolate (but, don't tell my mom).
The second is called Showers n stuff (thanks to my sis).  It is a bathroom cleaner.  It works  amazingly well on hard water stain...I mean amazing.  Cleaning with it is a breeze.


Señora Daiana said...

Where do you get the shower n stuff?

Debra said...

Funny how you get favorites, isn't it? I love the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for getting scuffs off of the wall. They are awesome!

Trixie said...

I had to ask my sister were to get showers n stuff cleaner. She just got back to me. It is from a janitorial supply company. Here is the info:
Don Aslett's Cleaning Center
1685 Towne Center Dr South Jordan