Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Door bell ditching

I had my first doorbell ditching experience with my son the other night.  Of course, when I was young that is not what it was called.  That term is not PC...what did it even mean anyway? Who knows...
We had been given treats from the friendly Halloween ghost.  Which meant it was now our turn to secretly place goodies on a few of our friends doorsteps without being caught.  I thought this seemed like such a fun thing to do with Aidan.  I'm not sure that the girls are quite old enough to really grasp the concept so, it was just me and my boy.
I gave him a quick run down of the objective ahead.  I realized that he might be a little slow and since I could see our target just on the other side of the door, I made sure he got a little head start.  I told Aidan to run and pointed to our exit through the gate.  We only live a few doors down so there was no car to run to.  Once he was off, I placed the treats on the ground rang the doorbell and RAN.   Once I made it to safety, I looked around for Aidan...nothing.  I couldn't find him!!  I kept low frantically looking for him when suddenly, I hear his little footsteps. He was still in their yard!  I motioned him to me, grabbed him and heaved him over the fence.  Luckily, no one saw him.  Or at least, I don't think so.
We had so much fun on our 'secret operation'.  Next time I will be sure to be more clear on our rendezvous point.


Keri Hennefer said...

Heidi, what was the secret ghost? Did it come with a poem and a picture? If so, what did the poem say? I want to start something like that down here! Thanks!

Jyll said...

I can't wait for him to come to my house. I totally want to try it. Do you mind?

Trixie said...

It did come with a picture and a poem. I don't have it anymore though. I'll bet you could find something online.

Keri Hennefer said...

My email address is, thanks for finding the poem!